CAN presses FG to assist those experiencing financial hardship


The Federal Government has been urged by the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria to take immediate measures to mitigate the impact of the country’s economic hardship.
Daniel Okoh, president of the association, issued the appeal in a message to Christians observant of Ash Wednesday, the onset of the Lenten season this year.
As a Christian religious observance, the Lenten season is named after the forty-day fast.
In his message, Okoh lamented the plight of citizens and urged leaders to give precedence to the requirements of the most marginalized members of society.

Additionally, he exhorted Christians to lend a hand to those in need and to assist leaders in alleviating the afflictions of their fellow citizens.

The portion of the message that read: "As we commence this journey of Lent, our thoughts are illuminated by the plight of numerous individuals who are struggling to meet their basic requirements and contend with financial instability.

“We aspire to a Nigeria in which all citizens are granted equal opportunities for success and where the welfare of the most vulnerable members of our community is the foremost concern of our leaders.”

"I implore our leaders across all tiers of government to acknowledge the critical nature of the economic obstacles confronting our country and to implement tangible measures to assist those who are enduring financial adversity.

“Let us unite in a spirit of unity and dedication to establish a society that is more compassionate and inclusive, wherein the hardships endured by those who are marginalized are mitigated, and their perspectives are acknowledged.”

Christians were exhorted by Okoh to consider ways in which they could positively impact the lives of others.

“This occasion calls upon us to advocate for sustained support from our leaders in alleviating the burdens of our fellow citizens and to lend a helping hand to those in need,” he further stated.