Nigerian Netflix series “Shanty Town” has made its debut, and it has quickly become a fan favorite. The show follows the story of three Lagos-based hustlers who unite to wage war against the biggest and most ruthless crime ring in the state. Created by Xavier Ighorodje and Chichi Nworah, the show features a star-studded cast including Ini Edo, Mercy Eke, Chidi Mokeme, Richard Mofe Damijo, Nse Ikpe-Etim, Sola Shobowale, Shaffy Bello, Nancy Isime, and many others. Fans have taken to social media to praise the show, and the performances of the actors.
One fan, @SteveChuks_, praised Mercy Eke for her role, tweeting “Mercy Eke is ‘finishing’ this acting in this Shanty Town series.” Another fan, @Thedeluxejojo, stated that “Mercy Eke tried for someone who is new to acting, especially that scene when she got teary when Scar was about to kill her. all she needs is some coaching and she is good to go.”
Chidi Mokeme’s performance in the show was also highly praised by fans. @Ellathefourth wrote “Chidi Mokeme killed his role in #Shantytown. I missed Ini Edo on the screens as well!” @iampreciousjeff wrote “Let’s cut right to the chase. Every actor in “Shanty Town” gave an absolute performance! Hearing Ini Edo and Nse Ikpe-Etim speak Ibibio was a delight for me as an Efik girl! OMG! the emotions I felt about Jackie’s (Mercy Eke’s) character.”
The show is set in the Shanty Town area of Lagos, Nigeria, and follows the lives of the residents who are struggling with poverty, crime, and corruption. The series takes a gritty and realistic approach, and does not shy away from showing the harsh realities of life in the area. However, despite the heavy subject matter, the show is not without its moments of hope and triumph. The characters are relatable and their stories are engaging, making the show a must-watch for fans of crime dramas.
In conclusion, “Shanty Town” is a powerful and thought-provoking show that showcases the talents of some of the best actors in Nigeria. The show’s creator, Xavier Ighorodje and Chichi Nworah, have done an excellent job of bringing the story to life, and the performances of the actors are nothing short of outstanding. If you’re looking for a show that will keep you on the edge of your seat, “Shanty Town” is definitely worth checking out.